JetStar Shines at SecretHaven - "Jet"
Born February 22, 2016. Eight boys and two girls! /
Née le 22 février 2016. Huit garçons et deux filles!
This boy is the Grand-puppies of the top French Borzoi
Chef D'Oeuvre du Grand-Fresnoy !
Il est le petits-chiots du meilleur barzoï de France
Chef d'Oeuvre du Grand-Fresnoy!
Boy 1 - JetStar Shines at SecretHaven
Love and Living in the Toronto area.
Sable with dark tan tips with Irish markings (larger collar)
ID: 900108001875022
Implanted April 8 2016
DM result - Clear
-at twelve weeks he weighed 23lb2oz
-at eight weeks he weighed 6k/13lb4oz
-as six weeks he weighed 4.23k/9lb5oz
-at five weeks he weighed 2.45k/5lb9oz
-at three weeks he weighed 1.47k/3lb4oz
-at 1 week he weighed 640gr/1lb6.5oz
Picture at six weeks
Picture at three weeks
Picture at three weeks
Picture at one week
Picture at 13 weeks
Picture at 11 weeks
Picture at six weeks